The purpose of the BC COVID-19 Biobank Network (BCCBN) initiative is to establish a provincial biobank network and a catalogue of biospecimens (blood, plasma, saliva, etc.) from hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Biological samples will be available for use by researchers and may be connected to genomic and clinical data to facilitate the pursuit of innovative and collaborative projects in the future. The BCCBN initiative is led by Dr. Darryl Knight, Associate Dean, Research, Providence Health Care Research Institute.

Our Involvement
Our team is supporting the BCCBN in OpenSpecimen for biobanking, and in REDCap for e-Consent and patient data capture.
Services Used
Electronic Data Collection

“I have worked with the FoM Digital Solutions Research Technology team on an electronic consent project in REDCap as well as establishing a biobank database in a platform called OpenSpecimen. I can only say positive things about working with this team, they are consistently supportive and constructive. As a team, they work incredibly well together such that whoever you are communicating with is aware of your project. The most constructive hours of the past 6 months of my working life have been spent on projects with the Research Technology team, I look forward to meetings with them!”
– Tamsin Tarling, Post Covid Recovery Clinic Biobank Manager, UBC