Data on a screen

Data Visualization

Transform data into visually compelling dashboards and reports 

Data Visualizations with Power BI

Power BI is an interactive data visualization and analytics platform used to create dashboards and reports for research, education, and administration.

This easy-to-use platform helps you transform raw data into visually captivating, easily understood information, enabling you to quickly discover patterns in your data.

What can I use it for?

  • Operational dashboards 
  • Interactive health dashboards 
  • Clinical trials administration reporting
LoginYou can access Microsoft Power BI from your computer as soon as you install the Microsoft Power BI desktop application.
To publish and share dashboards, you will need to request and access the UBC Faculty of Medicine report server. Once you have completed set-up, you can login here.
Request a Project
CostFree for faculty, staff, and students associated with the Faculty of Medicine
PrivacyVerified by UBC’s Privacy Impact Assessment process.
  • Easy to use
  • Data can be imported from multiple sources and integrated into a single report
  • Secure report publishing – dashboards are created locally and can be published to the server for viewing by authorized team members
  • Integrates seamlessly with REDCap
  • Includes optional advanced data services (R and Python)
  • Has a built-in API which can be used to import data
  • Microsoft tool with a large user base – training and self-support material accessible online

Advanced Services Offered:

In progress

Previous Workshops

Virtual Power BI 101 Course

30 minutes

In this course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of Power BI, including data transformation, and dashboard creation. 

By the end of this course you should feel confident creating compelling visualizations and building your first Power BI dashboard!

Introduction to Power BI

60 minutes

This introductory workshop provides an overview of Power BI, as well as a demo for creating and sharing a dashboard in Power BI.

  1. Install Power BI Desktop on your computer (see instructions for Windows and Mac (coming soon) users)
  2. Download the starter file to your computer

How Do I Use Power BI?

Access the UBC Power BI report server with a non-UBC computer

*This assumes you have power BI Desktop downloaded 

If you are using a non UBC Windows computer, you will need to add a windows credential to connect to the Power BI report server. 

To do this, go to:

Control panel -> User Accounts -> Credential Manager -> Add a Windows Credential 

Then type the following information 

  • Internet or network address: 
  • User name: EAD\(your cwl
  • Password: your cwl password

Then refresh your report server and select ‘Edit in Power BI Desktop.' The Power BI Desktop version should open with your report server visualizations. 

Where can I get more support with Power BI?

Technical Support:

For PowerBI requests, please complete the Power BI request form or contact us.